Throughout the pre-production stage of my project I use many different media technologies in order to help me develop my ideas and understanding. I used Blogger as my initial website which enabled me to set up a blog and regularly post throughout the different stages of the project, including research, planning, production and post production. This software has enabled me to keep all aspects of my coursework in a secure place, creating a chronological visual representation of my ideas. In addition to this Blogger has also meant that i was able to illustrate my ideas and clearly plan out my project almost step by step enabling me to how my strength and creativity through the use of mood boards and other creative aspects of the project presented on my blog. Through taking media studies at A-level I have became very experienced with blogger, having using it throughout the two years of doing the subject which has enabled me to professionally personalise my blog making it relevant to the coursework and content. In addition to this I was also able to navigate myself through the website and my blog without posing any difficulty. This came into use when trying to find one specific post, for example looking for a mood board for inspiration which i later created. I also used Pages very frequently throughout the project as I hose to layout any images or text onto a Pages document and then post a JPEG onto Blogger. I chose to do so as I felt that it made my big look neater and professional as it was a reoccurring feature of my blog, giving it a professional feel which was sustained throughout my entire blog. Whilst I used Pages for any image placement, I also use Scribd as a key piece of technology for posting any Word documents that were posted onto my blog through this website. Allowing a mass amount of text to be presented in a simplistic yet attractive way.
I used a variety of social media platforms in order to promote my fictional artist, Milli Coco. As a result of this I created a Twitter account. This social media account enabled my artist to seem realistic and portray features of a real artist. The accounts were used to post regular updates to the artists followed, giving an insight on tour dates, upcoming albums and singles and personal accounts. This provided a realistic feel to the account as this is how a real artist would communicate with her fans. I was able to easily access these accounts on many digital platforms such as my iPhone and Apple Mac, which meant that I was able to post without posting without any difficulty.
Gmail was a very vital media technology used throughout the stages of the project as it enabled me to send unfinished work home, as well as me being able to communicate with the artist through this media platform. In addition to gmail, iMessage on my iPhone allowed me to communicate with the artist easily allowing me discuss details like filming times and dates that we could meet up. Personally, I think this form of technology was vital to the communication between me and the artist as without this, it would pose difficulty finding dates and times we were both free at the same time to talk about the project, therefore this technology heavily benefitted the project.
I used iMovie during the production stage of my music video whereby I used softwares such as Google Images and Pinterest to find relevant images to my music video and initial ideas, permitting me to easily access inspiration for my video and ancillary products. Google images assist me in finding relevant images and models for my digipak and magazine advert, making the production stage a lot easier on the basis that i already had a visual image and style in mind. In addition to these softwares allowing me to find relevant images but it also enabled me to create a Pitch on iMovie by utilising the images and inspiration chosen. This software allowed me to add transitions, effects and text onto the chosen images and clips chosen for the pitch video. This piece of software I was fairly confident with, having producing my preliminary video on tis software ad having used it outside of my A Level media studies on my Mac. Youtube was a vital piece of software used to upload all of my video files onto my blog. I used Youtube during the production stage as a software in my research and planning when uploading my pitch, my story board and other video clips. In addition to my own work I also utilised Youtube as a software for finding existing music videos and music genres during the research and planning stage of my video enabling me to find inspiration from existing music videos.
I used an online software called Animoto as an exciting and individual way to present my storyboard on my blog, allowing me to having the drawn shots being played to the music, like they will later look in the post-production stages with actual filmed shots. Like iMovie, I had also used this software before during my AS Media studies which meant that I could quickly get used to the format and could easily personals the videos making them look professional and in time to the chosen music.
The final media technology used during the production stage of my music video was Spotify, this software enabled me to go on pre-existing music playlists which fit the genre I had decided upon during the research and planning stage and find songs relevant to this genre. As a result of this I was able to find unknown pop songs that would work with the overall aesthetic of my music video, allowing me to shortlist 5 potential songs and then further refine it to the song used on my final music video.